Time and space seem to go together. Seventeen years ago, I downsized from a 12-room house to a 4-room condo. Initially, boxes were piled everywhere, proof that I’d brought more stuff than I could house. It took me a year and a half to find everything a designated place, and that was after I donated or disposed of at least half the things.
Nine years ago, my daughter moved in with me. She downsized from a 4-room apartment to a single bedroom. We got a storage unit. We changed storage units 4 times until the cost of storage was more that it was worth. The stuff moved in with us and another great purge began. I’m happy to say that as of this moment, everything has a designated place, some in the garage, some in the garbage. Purging is hard work. I don’t ever want to do it again.
I started thinking about our spaces and the stuff that fill them.
“The Problem: We Put More Value on Our Stuff Than on Our Space.”
Francine Jay
“If It Doesn’t Add to Your Life, It Doesn’t Belong in Your Life.”
“If you’re not using the stuff in your home, get rid of it.
You’re not going to start using it more by shoving it in a closet somewhere.”
Joshua Becker
“If you don’t love it or use it, it’s clutter.”
“Clutter Is Anything That Doesn’t Belong in a Space –
Whether Because It Belongs Elsewhere in Your Home,
Or It Doesn’t Belong in Your Home Any Longer.”
Chrissy Halton
“Clutter is the thief of time.”
Edward Young
“Clutter forces the brain to consume energy.”
Carmine Gallo
“In the never-ending battle between order and chaos,
clutter sides with chaos every time.
Anything that you possess that does not add to your life or your happiness
eventually becomes a burden.”
John Robbins
“When I declutter, it reminds me what a beautiful space I live in.”
Jennifer Tritt