Imagine that you have a beautiful crystal vase. When you put it in a sunny window, the light streams through, breaking into dancing rainbows. What delight!
But as time passes, you notice that the rainbows are faint, or disappearing altogether. Your vase is getting dirty. It needs cleaning so the rainbows can dance again. The soul needs that kind of attention, too. It is called Confession.
I didn’t grow up in a faith that practiced regular confession. I thought my sins were between me and God; no one else had any business with them. I have since learned differently: the sins that darken my soul can – and do – impact my behavior and relationships. Negatively. Always negatively.
Yes, our sins – past, present and future – are forgiven because of the cross. Yes, when God looks at us, He sees the righteousness of Christ. But to ignore the things that cloud our soul is to lie to ourselves. God knows the truth; He knows when His Light isn’t getting through. He knows we are works in progress: we don’t always get it right and we need His forgiveness and grace to heal and grow.
No matter what we tell ourselves, we know it, too.
The condition for accessing forgiveness, healing, and growth is confession.
Telling the truth.
Setting aside denial.
Owning up.
Until we do this, we can’t even perceive a need for forgiveness.
The Apostle John, writing to believers, puts it clearly.
In confession…
we open our lives to the healing, reconciling, restoring,
uplifting grace of Him who loves us in spite of what we are.
Louis Cassels
What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record. Psalm 32:1-2 Living Bible
God’s forgiveness and grace is bigger than anything wrong you’ve ever done.
Rick Warren
“Oh, yes, Lord! Please, I do want. Thank You.”