Then Jesus said, “God’s kingdom is like a man who plants seed in the ground. The seed begins to grow. It grows night and day.
It doesn’t matter whether the man is sleeping or awake,
the seed still grows. He doesn’t know how it happens.
Mark 4:26-27 Easy-to-Read Version
Seeds of faith are always within us;
sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth.
Susan L. Taylor
You always have to believe that
things are working out for you no matter what.
Being patient and trusting the process
means that you believe you’ll receive the seed you’ve sowed.
Don’t let worry, fear, and anxiety make you dig up
what you’ve planted just to see if it’s growing.
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap
but by the seeds that you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson
“Because you’re not yet taking God seriously,” said Jesus.
“The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move.
There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.” Matthew 17:20 The Message
Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information
but of unlearning old limits.
Alan Cohen