I’m thinking about a dinner-table conversation from long ago, when my kids were tweens. I don’t know how it started, but I remember saying, “So, if I hadn’t married Daddy, you wouldn’t be here.”
“Oh,” replied my son airily, “I’m sure we would be with some other nice family.”
It wasn’t until years later that he confessed that the idea of “not being” freaked him out.
I have to admit that it freaks me out, too. Of all the infinite possibilities, God chose Nature, the genes that make me, and Nurture, the people who raised me, then tweaked and guided so that I became who I am today. That amount of infinite, precise care boggles the mind and makes you think.
So, to anyone who has a mother or had a mother, thank the Lord for her. I am so glad that this world has you in it.