Spiritual Blessings are the key benefits of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and are given by God Himself. ********** Ephesians 1 lists some spiritual blessings. Note the highlights: Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Anointed One, who grants us every spiritual blessing in these heavenly realms where we live in the…
Category: A Faith in Process
Notes from the Journey
Common Blessings
Common blessings are those that all people enjoy. They are distinct from the spiritual blessings that only believers enjoy. ********** “God bestows his blessings without discrimination.” F.F. Bruce ********** [The Father], after all, loves each of us—good and evil, kind and cruel. He causes the sun to rise and shine on evil and good alike. He causes the…
I’m Blessed
Thanksgiving means thanking God for all the good gifts which He has given to us. One of the great dangers of life is that we should take things for granted just because they come to us regularly and every day. William Barklay **********
Every good gift bestowed, every perfect gift received comes to us from above, courtesy of the Father of lights.James 1:17a The Voice ********** When we count our blessings, we are often pleasantly surprised to see how many we’ve been given.(unknown) ********** You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup. In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal…
A Joyful Noise
Isn’t God the one who urges us to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord”? Why do we always think that means singing? Seems to me the most obvious joyful sound on earth is laughter … Charles R. Swindoll ********** Our mouths were filled with laughter;our tongues were spilling over into song.The word went out across the…
Hallelujah: a compound word, from hallelu, meaning “to praise joyously,” and yah, a shortened form of the unspoken name of God. “Hallelujah” is an active imperative, an instruction to the listener or congregation to sing tribute to the Lord. ********** He who obeys the command ‘Rejoice in the Lord’ has a Hallelujah in his soul…
Keep Singing
How good it is to give thanks to the Eternal and to praise Your name with song, O Most High;To speak of Your unfailing love in the morning and rehearse Your faithfulness as night begins to fall.How good it is to praise to the sound of strings—lute and harp— the stirring melodies of the lyre.Because You, O Eternal One, thrill me with…
“Let All Things Now Living”
The name of the True God will be my song, an uplifting tune of praise and thanksgiving! Psalm 69:30 The Voice ********** ********** From my soul, I will join the songs of thanksgiving; I will sing and proclaim Your wonder and mystery. Psalm 26:7 The Voice
Join In & Praise
Everything on earth, join in and praise the Eternal; sea monsters and creatures of the deep,Lightning and hail, snow and foggy mists, violent winds all respond to His command. Mountains and hills, fruit trees and cedar forests,All you animals both wild and tame, reptiles and birds who take flight: praise the Lord.Psalm 148: 7-10 The Voice ********** Doth not all nature around me praise…
Sing! Rejoice!
Heavens, be glad; earth, rejoice. Say to the nations, “The Eternal One reigns.” 1 Chronicles 16:31 The Voice ********** ********** Express your joy; be happy in Him, you who are good and true. Go ahead, shout and rejoice aloud, you whose hearts are honest and straightforward.Psalm 32:11 The Voice