So it was “Archie” and “Missy” who went back into the carrier to visit the vet. We had chosen one a few blocks from home, and were delighted when everyone there made a big fuss over our kittens. The vet checked then over and said they seemed in good heath. Missy had a little diarrhea,…
Category: A Faith in Process
Notes from the Journey
Philippians 3: 15-21 NIV
Please read these verses in your own Bible or on Bible Gateway: v 15-16: Paul calls for reasonable agreement to his teachings. God himself can and will change minds caught in error, but each of us is responsible to live according to what we already understand. What we don’t know doesn’t excuse us from…
The Heavens Proclaim…
50 years ago today, the whole world was glued to the television as men walked on the moon. Those of us who witnessed it know exactly where we were that moment. Astronauts who flew into space got a unique perspective of our planet. Here are some of their thoughts: “The Earth reminded us of a…
Philippians 3: 1-14 (NIV)
Please read these verses in your own Bible or on Bible Gateway: v 1-4a: Be joyful as an antidote to grumbling and arguing. Joy in the Lord is our protection; Paul keeps saying it because we learn best with repetition. Be alert. Don’t let your joy be stolen by “rules.” Paul is warning against…
Plans for Good
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29: 11 NLT Lord, as I prepare dinner,I can hear their voices raised against me:“Oh, no! Green vegetables again!”My response is ready:“I am not required…
Someone You Should Know…
Frederick Buechner Frederick Buechner (“BEEK-ner”), born on July 11, 1926, is a is an American writer, novelist, poet, autobiographer, essayist, preacher, and theologian. One of the major themes in his writing is Listening to Your Life, exhorting us to “pay attention, because God is constantly at work in our everyday lives.” The grace of God…
The Name Game
“… He calls His own sheep by name …” John 10:3b NIV We were home, with two tiny new family members. Quickly I set up the litter box and closed off the kitchen and family rooms, where the cats would stay for the time being. We opened the carried, let them out, showed them their…
Philippians 2: 19-30 NIV
Timothy and Epaphroditus Please read these verses in your own Bible or on Bible Gateway: v 19-24: Timothy is unique in three ways: 1) he truly cares for the needs of the church, 2) he puts the Lord’s interests first, and 3) he works with Paul as son and father. He is going to…
The Ask…
Man: “God, how long is a million years?” God: “To me, it’s about a minute.” Man: “God, how much is a million dollars?” God: “To me, it’s a penny.” Man: “God, may I have a penny?” God: “Wait a minute.”
Philippians 2: 12-18 NIV
Please read these verses in your own Bible or on Bible Gateway: v 12-13: Christ was obedient (Philippians 2: 8); Paul modeled obedience. As His followers, the Philippians are to obey as well (no matter if anyone is watching or not), as they work out their salvation; not in order to gain what’s already…