6 I praise you, Lord, for answering my prayers.7 You are my strong shield, and I trust you completely.You have helped me, and I will celebrate and thank you in song. 8 You give strength to your people, Lord, and you save and protect your chosen ones.9 Come save us and bless us. Be our shepherd and always carry us in…
Category: A Faith in Process
Notes from the Journey
Lost and Found
Jesus did not give the parables to teach us how to live. He gave them, I believe, to correct our notions about who God is and who God loves. Philip Yancey Parable of the Lost Sheep Even with 100 sheep, the Shepherd immediately realized one was missing. Perhaps it had been distracted, wandered away, or…
It’s Daylight Savings Time!
This is the weekend that it all begins – or ends, depending on how you look at it. At 2 AM Saturday night, “spring ahead” by setting your clocks forward one hour. (I actually knew someone who set and alarm and got up at 2 AM to change the clocks. Personally, I do it sometime…
Psalm 27, Part 2
The one thing I want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in his Temple, living in his presence every day of my life, delighting in his incomparable perfections and glory. There I’ll be when troubles come. He will hide me. He will set me on a high…
If God were not Omnipotent, then would it fall to meTo hold the stars in heaven and the water in the sea?To bring the summer sunshine and cause everything to grow,To dress the trees for autumn and then send the winter snow?But if He has sufficient strength to keep the stars in line,Then surely He…
Last week, when I was so full of grief, I couldn’t function at all. It wasn’t until a questioning, “Meow?” at 5:30 in the morning made me leap from bed. I had completely forgotten to feed the cats the night before! Their bowls were licked clean. Heaping praise upon my good kitties for not waking…
Psalm 27, Part 1
The Lord is my light and my salvation; I will fear no one.The Lord protects me from all danger; I will never be afraid.2 When evil people attack me and try to kill me, they stumble and fall.3 Even if a whole army surrounds me, I will not be afraid;even if enemies attack me, I will still trust God.7 Hear me, Lord, when…
“March bustles in on windy feet And sweeps my doorstep and my street. She washes and cleans with pounding rains, Scrubbing the earth of winter stains. She shakes the grime from carpet green Till naught but fresh new blades are seen. Then, house in order, all neat as a pin, She ushers gentle springtime in.”…
Betrayal by Cat-Hair
When my kids were teens, “laser tag” was all the rage. Places sprang up everywhere with varying equipment, amenities, “weapons,” – and prices. Players were encouraged to wear black or very dark clothing so as to be less visible in the black-lighted play areas. My son loved the game. It was a test of skill…
I don’t know why I was never arrested for drunk driving: I took an awful chance. I don’t understand why I was safe after accepting a ride with a total stranger. The thought horrifies me, now that I have a daughter. I can’t explain why some people have their lives upended by a foolish mistake…