Category: A Faith in Process
Notes from the Journey
El Shaddai
“El Shaddai” is a contemporary Christian music song from 1981 written by Michael Card and John Thompson, using direct quotes from scripture. It was a favorite of many, including me. Click to listen. (Please forgive any popup ads) Okay. What did he just say? El shaddai is generally understood as “God Almighty.” El is seen today in names like Daniel…
Sometimes in this life you have to go through darkness and trouble to get where you need to be. In the scary places, it is hard to remember that we are not alone. But we are never alone, no matter where we are: The Lord answered, “I myself will go with you. I will lead…
It wasn’t until the next morning that I missed it. The last time I remembered having it was the night before, in the rain, while I waited for the AAA guy to jump my battery. It was in my pocket so I could show it to him as instructed by the app. I dumped out…
Morning Prayer
Happiness Hacks
Amazing! God has placed in each of us the help we need in times of stress. Did you notice? Even in the time of Covid, there is at least one thing on each list that anyone can do! The smallest act can make a difference! We can do something to access God-given happiness! May the…
Someone You Should Know
There are people who, when given bitterest lemons, make the best lemonade. Joni (“Johnny”) Eareckson Tada is one. Joni Eareckson Tada On July 30, 1967, this athletic 17-year-old girl dived into shallow water, broke her neck and became quadriplegic. She speaks about her struggle and depression in her book, Joni: An Unforgettable Story, and has…
Rabbi Ben Ezra
Grow old along with me!The best is yet to be,The last of life, for which the first was made:Our times are in His handWho saith “A whole I planned,Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!” This poem by Robert Browning (1812-1889) is a dramatic monologue over 1200 words long. This first…
Living by Faith
(from my journal) I am disappointed. Things are so out of control. But the Lord is gracious. He assures me that the life He has for me is to be lived here, “in the world,” as difficult and uncomfortable as it is. If I can live by faith in the midst of these troubles and…
Close Encounter
I was sitting on the patio when I heard a strange buzzing over my head. There was a hummingbird hovering about 2 feet above my left shoulder looking in the sliding glass door. It hovered, flew a short distance, then returned to hover again. It didn’t seem to know – or care – that I…