(From my journal, November 25, 1994, during my first bout with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) “So much to do, so little time, so few people to handle each task.” At least, that’s what we are told (or tell ourselves). Is it a case of “I’m busy therefore I’m important, therefore I have value?” But what happens…
Author: Pam R
The sun was setting after a hot, sticky summer day, and I was cooling off in the swimming pool, floating on my back. I didn’t have my glasses on (naturally), but I could see some vague shapes flying above the water. Lazily I watched them swoop and dive against the sky. Then I realized what…
Adventures in Freedom
Years ago, our backyard had been completely fenced in, but time and storm had done their work. There was no way the cats could have their freedom and their safety both. So they continued to go out with leashes and harnesses, each with a human in tow. I remember trying to hang onto Missy’s leash…
The Lord is My King
Broadly speaking, the kingdom of God is the rule of an eternal, sovereign God over all the universe, Monarch of all creation. For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth. Psalm 47:2 NIV For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. Psalm 95: 3 NIV…
A brooding calm in all the air, A dreamy quiet everywhere… A golden glow to light the day That fades in purple mists away— This soothing calm, this presence bright, October’s sweet and mellow light. ~Phebe A. Holder, “A Song of October,” in The Queries Magazine, October 1890
Dear Diamond, We all know who is really a girl’s best friend. Sincerely yours, Chocolate Cake. (Anonymous)
The Lord is My Song
SONG: a short metrical composition intended or adapted for singing, especially one in rhymed stanzas; a lyric; a ballad. God loves music! The Bible mentions music and singing hundreds of times. After all, the Book of Psalms is a song book. Music comes from God, and when we participate in it – whether by writing,…
(From my journal dated May 22, 1993 and November 16, 1994) I’ve become almost obsessed with the quest for information about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And I begin to wonder, do I need the knowledge to fight an enemy, or to embrace a lover? Do I “fancy myself in the role?” With my dramatic flair I…
The Final Frontier
At the end of the Great Flea Adventure, we told ourselves that the cats would be indoor cats. They did not need to go out. Out was where fleas were. Out meant dirt and danger. No, they would stay in and be perfectly happy, since they would know no differently. We were comfortable with that…
The Lord is My Light
Light: something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.Light is the first of the Creator’s works, manifesting the divine operation in a world that is darkness and chaos without it. Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 NIV Unless we form the…