Praise the name of God forever and ever,
for all wisdom and power belong to Him.
Daniel 2:20 The Voice
There is a signature of wisdom and power impressed on the works of God,
which evidently distinguishes them from the feeble imitations of men.
Not only the splendor of the sun,
but the glimmering light of the glowworm, proclaims his glory.
John Newton
The True God spoke this once,
and twice I’ve heard:
That You, the True God, hold all power;
Psalm 62:11 The Voice
A consciousness of our powerlessness should cast us upon Him who has all power.
Here then is where a vision and view of God’s sovereignty helps,
for it reveals His sufficiency and shows us our insufficiency.
A. W. Pink
O God, your ways are holy.
Is there any god as mighty as you?
You are the God of great wonders!
You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.
Psalm 77:13-14 NLT
Our God has boundless resources.
The only limit is in us. Our asking, our thinking, our praying are too small.
Our expectations are too limited.
A. B. Simpson
For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.
1 Corinthians 4:20 NLT
“I want to urge you to consider your own limitations not as obstacles
but as opportunities for God to show his limitless power and unlimited love.”
Carol Cymbala, He’s Been Faithful