Sometimes, you must give yourself permission to rest.
You are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken.
And you don’t have to try to make everyone happy, either.
Sometimes, the only person you should care about making happy is you –
and that means taking time out, resting, replenishing.
And, no, that is not a selfish thing at all.
When you allow yourself to feel what you feel, you give yourself permission to say that something isn’t right. Something has to change, you deserve more or better, or you desire something new and different.
When you give yourself permission to speak your truth, you take the first step towards making positive shifts.
Give yourself permission to rest, heal, change, and love yourself. (unknown)
When we give ourselves permission to fail,
we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel.
Eloise Ristad
Give yourself permission to take the day off from saying I have to, I can’t, and I should.
Give yourself permission to do the thing that lights you up inside.
And when you do, you will light up the world.
As we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.