As I waited in the checkout line, I noticed what the man in front of me was buying. (I should mind my own business, but how else can I find something new to try?) I watched as he unloaded three packages of light bulbs and two loaves of bread.
How Biblical, I thought.
The Light:
I am the light that shines through the cosmos;
if you walk with Me, you will thrive in the nourishing light
that gives life and will not know darkness.
John 8:12 The Voice
The Light is unthreatened by darkness. It will never dim or fade. It is eternal because it is from God.
The Bread:
I am the living bread that has come down from heaven to rescue those who eat it.
Anyone who eats this bread will live forever.
The bread that I will give breathes life into the cosmos.
This bread is My flesh.
John 6:51 The Voice
This bread never stales, never loses flavor. It is always fresh and available. And it is eternal because it is from God. We can have as much as we want and share it with others. There is more than enough.
Life-giving Light and life-giving Bread.
Seems one can even have a God-moment
in the checkout line at the grocery store!