Timothy and Epaphroditus
Please read these verses in your own Bible or on Bible Gateway: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+2%3A+19-30&version=NIV
v 19-24: Timothy is unique in three ways: 1) he truly cares for the needs of the church, 2) he puts the Lord’s interests first, and 3) he works with Paul as son and father. He is going to Philippi for two purposes: to help the Philippians and to bring Paul news of them. His visit doesn’t replace Paul’s, though. Paul hopes to come to them soon.
v 25-28: “I hope to send Timothy soon … I [must] send Epaphroditus …” Paul describes him as brother (sharing family), coworker (sharing purpose), fellow soldier (sharing danger) and messenger (sharing news and aid). So it’s not surprising that Epaphroditus’ serious illness was a grave concern to all. (My go-to thought might be, “Is this somehow my fault? Is God angry?”) But God intervened. It is likely that Epaphroditus carried this letter.
v 29-30: “Welcome him with joy… honor people like him.” Not necessarily because he almost died for the work of Christ, although that is reason enough, but because he lives for it. (There are people all around us who do the same. I’m trying to remember the last time I rejoiced over them with honor…)
Lord, thank You for faithful people, the ones we read about and all the unsung ones who put Your kingdom first. As much as is in me, let me be one of the faithful. And for the others servants around me, let me be quick to honor them in all humility and truth, because that is what You ask me to do. Amen.