Jesus did not give the parables to teach us how to live.
He gave them, I believe, to correct our notions
about who God is and who God loves.
Philip Yancey
Parable of the Lost Sheep
Even with 100 sheep, the Shepherd immediately realized one was missing. Perhaps it had been distracted, wandered away, or got stuck in a thorn bush. Or maybe it just had a rare – in sheep – streak of independence. But to the Shepherd, it wasn’t just a sheep: it was His sheep. And it was alone and in danger. He won’t rest until He finds it and joyfully brings it back.
We are all the lost sheep, straying through inattention, distraction or unforeseen circumstance. When found, we are, each one, the reason for great joy in heaven.
God … never abandons anyone on whom he has set his love;
nor does Christ, the good shepherd, ever lose track of his sheep.
J. I. Packer
The Parable of the Lost Coin
Coins do not lose themselves; they must be acted on by an outside agency. The woman wasted no time sweeping and hunting it; and rejoices in the finding.
We are all the lost coin, buffeted by agencies and circumstances through no fault of our own. When found, we are, each one, the reason for triumphant joy in heaven.
The Parable of the Lost Son
Some thoughts:
* This parable, instead of starting with “Suppose…,” opens with a statement: “There was a man who had two sons…”
* This “straying” was premeditated, arrogant and intentional. Asking a living parent for your inheritance was like saying, “I wish you were dead.”
* In his “prodigal” (wastefully extravagant) living, he forgot to plan for the future. Bad choices, coupled with famine, made his existence unpleasant and precarious.
* Pigs are unclean. This was the worst kind of degradation. (regret?)
* He began to dream of home. (repentance?) He memorized a speech. (confession?) He made the journey. (resolve?)
* In that society, adult men did not run; but the father did. He couldn’t help himself.
* The son barely began his confession before he was forgiven and restored. And the jubilant celebration began.
We are all the Prodigal Son, lost by arrogance, poor choice, and unforeseen circumstance. When found, we are, each one, the reason for exuberant joy in heaven.
Mercy gave the Prodigal Son a second chance.
Grace gave him a feast. Max Lucado